

국가별 유학정보

(Huntsville) University of Alabama<앨라배마주<미국유학[영어학원추천]


작성자 researcher
작성일 2013/12/31
분 류 어학연수
ㆍ조회: 2143      
(Huntsville) University of Alabama<앨라배마주<미국유학[영어학원추천]

영어 개인ㆍ그룹 과외
(1) 학교명: University of Alabama
(2) 주소: Morton Hall 222, 301 Speakman Drive, Huntsville, AL35899, U.S.A
(3) 웹사이트 : http://www.uah.edu

(4)  학교소개:  
1950년에 알라바마 주립으로 설립된 이 대학은 알라바마 대학 중에서는 학생 수가 가장 적은 6천명 규모의 대학이다. 반면에 학생중 4% 정도가 외국 유학생으로 알라바마 대학 시스템중에서는 본교인 University of Alabama - Tuscalossa(유학생 3%)보다 오히려 유학생이 선호하는 편이다. 헌츠빌은 인구 3만의 조그만 읍단위 도시로 교통의 요지와는 약간 떨어진 외딴 캠퍼스이다. 헌츠빌 주민들은 남부 지역의 흑인 인구가 상당히 포함돼 있으며 대부분이 친절한 편이라고 유학생들은 평가하고 있다.

다만 헌츠빌 시내에 오락시설이 거의 없어 무료한 나날이 계속되는 것이 조금은 힘들 것이다.

학생들은 주말이면 2시간 거리인 테네시주의 멤피스시내에 가거나 1시간 거리인 테네시 내쉬빌, 알라바마주의 버밍햄에 가서 도시문화를 즐기고 있으며 내쉬빌과 멤피스의 경우 한국교포들도 소규모로 거주하고 있고 한국음식점도 있어 우리나라 음식을 맛볼 수 있다. 주변에 특이한 해변이나 산 등의 휴양지는 없고 가장 가까운 해변이 4시간 거리의 멕시코만 이다.

(5) 프로그램:
학문적인 교과과정을 제공합니다. 수업은 의사소통의 방법으로 언어의 중요성을 학습에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
주당 수업 20~25시간을 정도로 미국대학 입학을 위해 공부하는 학생들을 위해 설계되었습니다. 이프로그램은 학생들의 수업능력 및 학문적인 영어 기능을 향상 시키기 위해 설계되었습니다. 학생들은 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기, 문법과 발음 등이 수업으로 제공 됩니다.
ESL Program: Overview
Target Population
The ESL Program at UAH serves students who are nonnative speakers of English and are enrolled in non-degree as well as undergraduate and graduate programs at the university. The ESL program provides courses in oral and written academic discourse. The courses focus on both receptive and productive skills and are grounded in current communicative methodologies with an acknowledgement of the importance of contextualized language learning. In addition, the content and goals of the courses reflect the specific needs of the students served: classroom discourse, the pragmatics of an English-medium university in the U.S., and specific academic tasks appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate populations.
Admission to the program is open to students at UAH, whether in non-degree, undergraduate or graduate programs. Eligibility for ESL v. IEP is determined by the following: overall language skills as indicated by current TOEFL scores. If a student has achieved the TOEFL scores necessary for admission to UAH, they are eligible to take ESL classes. If the student has not yet achieved the TOEFL scores necessary for admission to UAH, they are eligible to participate in the IEP.
The TOEFL scores necessary for admission to most programs at UAH are as follow. Students in the ESL program will have TOEFL scores above the scores listed below.
Paper-based TOEFL (PBT): 500+
Computer-based TOEFL (CBT): 173+
Internet-based TOEFL (iBT): 62, with the following minimums in each subsection (Reading, 15; Listening, 16; Speaking, 18; Writing, 13

Nonnative speakers of English who have been admitted to the university are required to register for the English Language Placement Test (ELPT). The ELPT is an in-house placement test and assesses the current language skills of incoming students who are nonnative speakers of English. All students who are nonnative speakers of English, including those who may be transferring hours in from other institutions, must register for the ELPT. In some cases, exemptions from part or all of the placement test may be given. However, these exemptions are made in accordance with university policy. Therefore, students should plan to register for the placement test and may receive notification of waivers as appropriate. Based on their performance, considered in conjunction with TOEFL and other standardized scores, students may be placed in one or more ESL courses. For more information regarding testing and placement in the ESL program, follow the relevant links under ELPT above.
Fulfillment of ESL requirement
University policy mandates that students begin fulfilling their ESL requirements in their first semester. Students must complete any required ESL courses prior to graduation. The ESL program comprises five courses, ranging from low intermediate to advanced levels, in oral/aural and written academic discourse. Each course carries 3 hours of credit and counts towards full-time status in terms of SEVIS regulations. Courses can be taken in combination; however, certain restrictions do apply. In addition, beginning in Spring 2008, a language sample is assessed on the first day of class every semester. The purpose of the sample is to identify unique challenges faced by the population of each class. No changes in ESL requirements will be made on the basis of these samples.
Any and all questions about placements should be addressed to the director of ESL at esl@uah.edu. For more information about registration, courses and program completion, follow the relevant links in the navigation bar to the top right.
Intensive English Program
The IEP at UAH is a highly competitive program whose primary focus is assisting students in developing the language ability necessary for full access to information in an English-medium university such as UAH. With a rigorous curriculum and strict attendance requirements, the program is designed to provide all the information a student will need to progress rapidly in his/her acquisition of English for use in an academic setting. In addition, the program expects a comparable commitment on the part of the student during his/her time at the IEP.
The IEP includes 20-25 hours of classroom instruction per week and is designed for students who need to achieve language levels for admission to a U.S. university degree program. The program offers classes designed to improve student ability to function in both oral and written academic English. The program is academic in theme and follows principles of communicative language teaching. Students focus on improvement in the four component skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Additional work in pragmatics, grammar and pronunciation insures progress in both accuracy and fluency, with special attention paid to interaction in a U.S. university context.
(6) 숙소:
버밍햄 북쪽으로 100마일 떨어진 교외에 위치한 약 1,521㎢의 캠퍼스에는 기숙사를 포함한 31개동의 건물이 있다.
(7) 주변환경:

주변환경은 오락시설이 거의 없는 조그만 읍단위의 헌츠빌은 교통의 요지와는 약간 떨어져 있으며 인구는 3만의 조그만 도시로 외딴 캠퍼스이다. 남부지역의 흑인인구가 상당해 대부분이 친절한 편이다.

인사말 |  자유게시판 |  견적 의뢰하기 |  1:1 상담 |  공지사항 |  개인정보 취급 방침 |  온라인 회원 약관 |  찾아오시는 길 |  사이트맵

전종훈언어연구소는 연결된 홈페이지가 독자적으로 제공하는 재화 및 용역과 관련된 거래에 대하여 일체 책임을 지지 않습니다.
회사명 : 전종훈언어연구소   상담전화 : 한혜숙 연구원 . 010.3335.6740   ■ 대표전화 : 02.313.4854   팩스 : 02.6442.4856   사업자등록번호 : 110-17-96892
감수자 : 전종훈 (호주 시드니 University of New South Wales 언어학 박사 학위 취득)    E-mail : chuntrans@daum.net
주소 : 서울특별시 은평구 연서로3길 23-8, 3층(역촌동, 탑빌라트)   대표 : 전종훈    통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2015-서울은평-0972 호
카페 : http://cafe.daum.net/chuntrans 블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/chuntrans. 트위터 : http://twitter.com/chuntrans 페이스북 : http://facebook.com/chuntrans

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