UAE's happiness policy(2016.02.12) < Opinion 4 < The Korea Bulletin
The Korea Bulletin


작성자 researcher
작성일 2016/02/13
분 류 Opinion
ㆍ조회: 816      
UAE's happiness policy(2016.02.12) < Opinion 4 < The Korea Bulletin

Following a cabinet reshuffle this week, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has something many countries do not have ― a minister for happiness. This new post is noteworthy because it is a visible sign that the UAE government seriously takes its role to develop and promote policies for people's happiness. The UAE's refreshing example resonates particularly with many Koreans who feel their happiness is sitting on the government's back-burner.

As demonstrated by the pervasive use of the term "Hell Joseon," many young Koreans are desperately unhappy. The nation's suicide rate is one of the highest among OECD countries. More young people are reluctant to get married and raise a family because of unstable job conditions. Unfortunately, more people are losing hope for a future in this country. So it provided little consolation for Koreans when President Park Geun-hye said that her New Year wish was the people's happiness, because her administration so far has done little for it.

The UAE provides a timely reference for Korean policymakers. In a cabinet reshuffle Wednesday, the UAE appointed Ohoud al-Roumi as "minister of state for happiness." She will be responsible for conducting programs and indices for people's happiness and drive government policy to create social good and satisfaction in connection with all ministries. The new post was the highlight of the country's largest structural change in the history of its government.

There is surely a possibility that some will criticize it as a budgetary waste to create a government ministry centered on a concept as relative and personal as happiness. But Korea should at least learn the spirit of the UAE government to place the people's happiness at the core of its national agenda. We hope that Park will make use of the rest of her term to act on her previous slogan of opening an "era of people's happiness." This will require more determination and innovative thinking from policymakers as well as cooperation among relevant ministries in employment, health care, education and family issues. 


Source: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2016/02/202_197848.html


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