학습 자료실




인구...[초등학교고학년의 성별체력급수별 체육교과영역의 선호도와 흥미도연구2<논문초록한영번역]


일반적인 편지, 일기, 초청장, 연하장, 3분 스피치 등
작성자 소장
작성일 2013/01/18
ㆍ조회: 2641      
인구...[초등학교고학년의 성별체력급수별 체육교과영역의 선호도와 흥미도연구2<논문초록한영번역]
한국어 원문

1. 인구사회학적 변인별 체육수업 목적 비교 중 성별은 남자 체력향상 > 대인관계 > 스트레스해소 > 운동기능향상 > 인격형성, 여자는 체력향상 > 대인관계 > 운동기능향상 > 스트레스해소 > 인격형성 순으로 나타났으며, 체력급수별은 1급은 대인관계 > 체력향상 > 운동기능 순으로, 2급-5급은 체력향상 > 대인관계 > 운동기능 순으로 높은 응답을 하였다.

2. 인구사회학적 변인별 체육수업 선호도 비교 중 성별은 남자가 높은 응답을 하였으며, 체력급수별은 1급 > 2급 > 3급 > 4급 > 5급순으로 체력급수가 높을수록 체육수업 선호도도 높게 나타났다.

3. 인구사회학적 변인별 체육수업 종목 선호도 비교 중 남자는 육상, 게임, 민속놀이, 체력운동에서, 여자는 체조, 기계체조, 표현운동, 계적운동에서 높은 선호도를 보였으며, 체력급수별은 1급 체조, 육상, 기계체조, 표현운동, 체력운동종목, 2급은 게임, 계절운동, 민속놀이종목에서 높은 선호도를 보였다.

4. 인구사회학적 변인별 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 중 남자는 체조, 육상, 체력, 게임, 여자는 표현활동, 보건에서 높은 흥미도를 보였고, 체력급수별은 체조, 육상, 체력에서 1급 > 2급 > 3급 > 4급 > 5급순으로 체력급수가 높을수록 흥미도가 높게 나타났으며, 표현활동 1급 > 4급 > 2급 > 3급 > 5급순, 보건 3급 > 4급 > 1급 > 2급 > 5급순으로 흥미도가 높게 나타났다.

5. 인구사회학적 변인별 선택 활동 흥미도 비교 중 남자는 육상과 게임, 여자는 체조에서 높은 흥미도를 보였고, 체력급수별은 육상, 게임, 체조 모두에서 1급 > 2급 > 3급 > 4급 > 5급순으로 흥미도가 높게 나타났다.
영어 번역문

1. For the comparison of purposes of the physical education by sex, one of demographic-sociological variables, male students showed the order of the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations, stress relief, the improvement of exercise function, and character building and female students had the order of the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations, the improvement of exercise function, stress relief and character building. For the comparison of purposes of the physical education by another demographic-sociological variable physical fitness rating, students with rating 1 showed the order of personal relations, the improvement of physical fitness and exercise function, and students with ratings 2 to 5 had the order of the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations and exercise function.

2. First, for the comparison of the preference for the physical education by sex, male students' response rate was higher than that of female students. Then, for the comparison of the preference for the physical education by physical fitness rating, the order of rating 1, rating 2, rating 3, rating 4 and rating 5 shows that the higher the physical fitness rating is, the higher the preference of the physical education is.

3. First, for the comparison of the preference for event by sex, male students highly preferred to track and field, game, folk game and strength training, and female students gymnastics, apparatus gymnastics, expression athletics and seasonal exercise. Second, for the comparison of the preference for event by physical fitness rating, rating 1 showed a high preference toward gymnastics, track and field, apparatus gymnastics, expression athletics, strength training and rating 2 had a high preference for game, seasonal exercise and folk game.

4. First, for the comparison of the interest in compulsory activities by sex, male students are highly interested in gymnastics, track and field, strength training and game, and female students displayed a high interest in expression athletics and public health. Second, the comparison of the interest in compulsory activities by physical fitness rating is as follows: (1) in gymnastics, track and field and strength training, the higher the physical fitness rating is, the higher the interest in compulsory activities, as shown in the order of interest of rating 1, rating 2, rating 3, rating 4 and rating 5; (2) expression athletics showed the order of interest of rating 1, rating 4, rating 2, rating 3 and rating 5; (3) public health had the order of interest of rating 3, rating 4, rating 1, rating 2 and rating 5.

5. First, for the comparison of the interest in optional activities by sex, female students are highly interested in gymnastics whereas male students showed a high interest in track and field, and game. Then, for the comparison of the interest in optional activities by physical fitness rating, all of track and field, game and gymnastics showed the order of interest of rating 1, rating 2, rating 3, rating 4 and rating 5.



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회사명 : 전종훈언어연구소   상담전화 : 한혜숙 연구원 . 010.3335.6740   ■ 대표전화 : 02.313.4854   팩스 : 02.6442.4856   사업자등록번호 : 110-17-96892
감수자 : 전종훈 (호주 시드니 University of New South Wales 언어학 박사 학위 취득)    E-mail : chuntrans@daum.net
주소 : 서울특별시 은평구 연서로3길 23-8, 3층(역촌동, 탑빌라트)   대표 : 전종훈    통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2015-서울은평-0972 호
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